Subterranean Issues
The testament of an optimist is when the more that's wrong with them physically, the better they feel and the more cheerful they are. The minute you let aches and pains and sniffles and sneezing get you down, then your body has won and your spirit has lost. Those kinds of losses are debilitating.
So, what other definitions exist for the word "optimist"? Well, good ol' trusty Google

Not only does it look like a happy, little sailboat, it is obviously quite flexible and seaworthy as the picture to the right demonstrates.
One of the classic movie icons who struck me as an optimist, at least in the

Just from reading the first chapter, it's clear he took the best of both parents (only child) and built on that to develop his personality or at least, that's what happened to him subliminally. OK, now I've read the second chapter and I would love to believe he actually wrote the book. I need some other opinions though. I don't truthfully know if I'll ever know so maybe I'll just "choose to believe". Hm, was Cary Grant created by Disney?

Well, the more I read, the more I'm learning about the many facets of his personality, which falls right in line with my subterranean theme. First,we have sexy Cary on the left. I wonder if he ever got skin cancer?

Next we have the debonair version of Cary. Would you trust this man to help you out of a jam or to share all your deepest, darkest secrets? Of course you would, you'd jump at the chance just to tell him all about them. Then you'd faint dead away just from being in the same room with him.

Now we move to the mysterious Cary as found in two of the Alfred Hitchcock roles he played, both of which helped him to conquer his fear of heights (acrophobia). He reports in his autobiography that he then proceeded to fly repeatedly with Howard Hughes, landing all over the place including in Mexican fields. I guess once you've hung from the faces of Mt. Rushmore and gallivanted across the rooftops of Monte Carlo you basically have no fear.
Of course, none of us can stay young forever but there are multitudes of photos capturing h

In fact, here is proof that he actually enjoyed the aging part. Or, at least, he was caught during an optimistic moment! It makes you wonder if he ever had to deal with the aches and pains I started out talking about, I don't know the answer but I'm pretty confident he would have dealt with any such adversity in a positive way. How do I know? I simply choose to believe this.
What a guy! Any suggestions for who in the current generation can take his place? Good luck.
you're an addict. a carey grant addict.
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