Happy Burpday, Rammie!
I actually have a number of topics to discuss that are not birthday related but how could I proceed without sharing that bit of wonderfulness right up front. So, moving on... this was a story taken from somewhere by someone but I have every reason to believe it is a true story so regardless of it being from a quotable source, worth repeating.
Bertie Bowman at 13 was invited by a politician to Washington, D.C. It went like this, he heard the congressman stumping from a train, and one of the things the congressman said in that speech was, "Come to Washington, D.C., visit me and I'll find you a job." So, Bertie did (go to DC and look him up) and the congressman did (find him a job) sweeping the steps of the Capitol.

Today, Bertie is the Senate coordinator and has been in Washington, D. C. for 50 years. He's obviously found the secret sauce, why can't more of us see the advantages of acting the same?
Is it that they don't want to work that hard? Is it that they've been raised to hold grudges or

All I can say is, hearing stories like Bertie's keeps my little successes here and there in very important perspective. An excellent life lesson for us all.
i tried to comment on this one a couple of days ago, but blogger was down.
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