In other words, it's all about the celebration, not the number. The longer the celebration, the better. The broader the celebration the better. The celebration approach, component

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any should be the focus, NOT THE NUMBER! I keep hearing people say, I don't celebrate my birthday anymore or I don't even acknowledge it. How sad is that? What other day in the year exists that is truly only yours? Why wouldn't you want to celebrate all the wonderful people in your life and the amazing or rewarding things you've done or seen in your life on that very day? Maybe I'm just a party girl at heart. Well, that would not be a maybe that would be a definitely. There's nothing I like better than being with a bunch of people of my choice.
For instance, the first time I went to London, I attended "Les Miserables" on the equivalent

of Broadway one evening. There I was, four rows from the front smack in the middle, truly the best seats in the house but sandwiched in between a whole lot of Brits who didn't know or care about me. I had absolutely no one to share my experience with, before, during or after. As a result, every time something happened that was absolutely amazing or moving, I had to keep my emotions and feelings to myself. It drove me crazy.

n't it interesting how we tend to be drawn toward people who are the opposite of us? My husband's favorite evening is to park himself in front of the boob tube with his constantly refilled drink of choice and not move until he has fallen asleep enough times to warrant getting up and paddling off to bed. So what is on that black box that entices him so? As I've mentioned before, he is very much into reality TV, which I'm not and I don't drink for the most part. (Technically, the cat sits on his lap but you get the picture.)
So, ours is a relationship of tolerance of each other's idiosyncrasies. I honestly believe that's how marriage survives. Every time I hear a woman say they think they can change the guy I go, "um-hum", and walk away. T'aint gonna happen.

This was a full blown tangent so it must be Saturday. I'm considerably tangential on Saturdays! You know how you start in one room then find yourself in the next not remembering why you're there. Welcome to my Saturday!
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