Marathon Man
Well, I enjoyed it while it lasted. I always do. I'm referring to the period in the year when

The only sport I really enjoy watching on TV is baseball because through a myriad of TV cameras is the only way you can actually see what happened. When you're there live, you generally have no clue if the ball is safe, out or foul. And golf, don't get me started. It's tremendously boring when you're face to face with it, stick it on TV and you're then saturated with boredom.
It's like once I hear the familiar and nauseating noise of these crowds, I can't move

I heard a story on NPR on Friday talking about the new computerized helmets they now have for high school football players. Maybe I should say they have them for those few who can afford them as in there are only three high schools who have them currently. So this software monitors the hits a kid takes over the course of the game, practice, anything and I suppose sets off some sort of a warning if they've gone too far, whatever that is. It sounds like a great idea, especially when they share statistics like over 60,000 kids suffered concussions in last year's football season. However, if they've already gotten hit when this computer system registers, exactly what good did that do? Wouldn't you be better off preventing the hit in the first place. I know my logic didn't serve me well in Algebra but it sure is kicking in here. Oh, well, I don't have any boy relatives who are in any immediate danger of knocking themselves out so I won't worry about it at this point.
Now if there was a computer software that actually pushed off the opponent coming at you because you had already taken more than your share of hits, that would be the software for me. What, you think that flies in the face of the whole point of football? Whatever!
See I

Hasta la vista.
foosball is the debel.
when are you taking me for fizzy cocktails?
When do you want to go for fizzy cocktails? Now, all of a sudden you're uber available, hmpf.
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