How cou

ld this happen? The Senate voted for the economic recovery Bill, both presidential candidates supported it, the President was going to sign it, but the stupid, little House of Representatives have now singlehandedly destroyed our retirement accounts. How can you vote against something like this when no one, and I mean no one, has a single alternative up their sleeve?
The irony is, supposedly these Representatives voted against it because th

ey wanted to be re-elected. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think they just cooked their own goose. Or, at least their gooses will be extremely hot if their names get out to the public. It's bad enough that the Republicans didn't pass it, but who were those contrary Democrats who didn't vote for it? What were they thinking?
Do I

want to pay higher taxes to cover this expense, no, but something had to be done and I wasn't seeing any other options. Do I trust anyone in Bush's cabinet like the Secretary of the Treasury to handle the situation, no! Again, something had to be done.
I say again, why would either of these candidates have any interest in this position? This country is now in the biggest mess imagineable. This kind of stock market drop has a huge adverse effect on pension plans folks. I feel like we have no control over our own destinies anymore. Is there no one we can trust to do the right thing?
And how many more banks are going to go now? Didn't the House realize how close other institutions are to failing? The stock market is our single point of failure so here we go. I can't imagine how this is going to be resolved.

So-called President Bush, you and your entire cabinet deserve nothing better than impeachment. You have imperiled the future of every single American. What better way to show our appreciation?
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