My blog abse

nce has been due to my mom's recent incapacitation from a bi-lateral stroke to the frontal lobe of her brain that fully affected her a week ago last Sunday. So, I have been living at the hospital for all intents and purposes for the last 7 days. Today, we moved her to a skilled nursing facility and tomorrow the therapy team there will begin the rebuilding process to get her brain to hopefully reboot somewhere near the level of its previous operation.
I'm hopeful there will be a lot of changes for the better as a result of this scary event. Thi

nks like my dad actually purchasing hearing aids that are worth their salt and wearing them, Deb and I clearing out their house so she can actually walk around without falling over h

er stacks of stuff yet again, and the end of her buying clothes that aren't even her size and other stuff she has no room or use for. At least, those are my goals.
I'm too tired to go any further. I'm ready for my PTO now, ha ha. This has truly been a topsy-turvy October. I don't know the date or the day of the week these days. But I'm confident Mother is now on the mend so it doesn't really matter.

Tomorrow she gets to see her dog again (they allow them in this facility, we saw 4-5 different dogs today of all sizes). I don't know who will be more excited, her or Dolly.
you've been a saint through all this, mama. i love you.
Just remember you said that when I am out of my mind with age. I honestly hope that never happens, it's kind of like living a nightmare over which you have no control.
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