He'll be here any minute, another day with baby boy. These are the days I live for. Will I be worn out at the end, certainly. Will I be entertained throughout, absolutely. Will I be amazed at his 2 year old intellect, undoubtedly (how many two year olds do you know who can spell, read some little words, know all their letters and numbers up to 20 and beyond).
On the other hand, he doesn't like anyone dressed up in anything other than normal clothes including himself. That means this Halloween will be in his Batman pj's since we can actually talk him into wearing those.
He doesn't like any group singing other than on a CD. Singing him Happy Birthday was very unpopular, but of course we did it anyway and he actually survived.
He doesn't like loud noises like that of the first present he opened. It's kind of a loud suction and he insists it be turned off. I suppose this comes from keeping his environment pretty quiet and low key. I'm sure he'll
If the day warms up like it did yesterday, we're taking off for the park. That's one of our favorite things to do and it helps to make him tired enough to actually take a nap too. That's something else he sometimes fights, but what kid doesn't?
His favorite food is IKEA meatballs. Does that make him a hipster or a yuppie toddler? I'll leave that to Kara to answer.
All I know is when I see that grinning face, nothing else matters.
he is a bit of a weenie. but so was laura as a kid. he'll grow out of it.
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