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at the astonishing, the groundbreaking, the history-making, the visionary, and by all means the necessary presidential election results we all desperately hoped for have occurred, the speculation, second-guessing and pundit advice begins. And that's okay because I think it's the first glimpse of hope we've seen in eight years of unbelievable waste, greed, abuse of power and very public and repeated presidential and Wall Street stupidity.
All I hope is that the world, but more specifically this country, was listening to the continuing

message or theme of Obama's campaign; turning this massive vessel we call the United States around requires all hands on deck, the hands of every American, not just the few elected officials we have placed in Washington, D.C. or in our state governments.

massive network he was able to create and develop throughout the last two years must not only remain intact, but must continue to grow and mobilize in national support as the government works to correct the many wrongs and abuses we have all witnessed on almost a daily basis. No one man can fix this mess but together, the millions of us sitting watching from our living rooms can. I sincerely hope the excitement, the energy and the commitment I've seen and heard in the ranks continues and is continually reinforced over the next eight years. Without that, success will not be ours.

In the words of another history-making, Irish Catholic president, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Barack Obama and the United States will need our help now more than ever.
i hope he doesn't crumble with all of our hopes weighing him down.
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