Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Well, the weather outside is frightful, the fire would be so delightful (if we had one). Yes, we did have places to go but nevertheless, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

My girls and I used to sing this at the top of our lungs in the winter when we were in the Target parking lot (I don't know why that was where we were when it started to snow but for some reason that was the case). I saw a family walking across the street with their snow saucers, heading for some hill somewhere down the street. This is more snow than we've had in at least the last two years from what I remember.

The bizarre thing today is that it literally has not stopped all day. The curbs at the side of the street outside are about six inches high and they are covered so there's your answer to how much it has snowed. I know anyone associated with school, be it students or teachers, are hoping it will be closed tomorrow at the least.

I've watched any number of squirrels and birds scrambling like they were taken unawares by this whole thing. I watched a squirrel run across the street and he was bounding pretty high, clearly uncomfortable with his feet hitting the snow. The birds are all converging on our holly tree, pecking at the berries, which is strange since I didn't think they could eat them. I don't know what's up with that.

Lots of people out walking in this even though the temperature is down to 22 degrees and the wind gusts of 25 to 30 mph are taking the wind chill much lower, they just said as low as 7 degrees. Though the picture doesn't reflect the snow, it does show how hard the wind is gusting here. It's just not conducive to a stroll from my perspective.

I'm extremely thankful I'm inside where it's warm and cozy and all I have to do is enjoy the gorgeous view of nature at its whitest. Tomorrow may be another story. Maybe I should jump on the same bandwagon and hope our office is closed too, doubtful.


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