On The Verge
So here

Obama has now named the majority if not all of his cabinet members. All I've seen so far in the way of ratings of his choices are two thumbs up. My husband asked today if these early announcements are going to finally calm down investors and Wall Street and I said I thought not. The problem is, there are still two full months for Bush and Cheney to continue to screw the American people with nary a thing Obama can do about it other than to send strongly worded messages to the White House. I don't rememb
er ever seeing the release of this information as early in other presidential transitions and I'm sure it was done in an effort to try to stem the outgoing tide. The question is, who is going to stem the current administration?

I'm looking forward to two-year old assistance this year with decorating the house and grounds, as well as the help of the older children and extended friends and family pitching in of course. I'm thinking baby boy's really going to get into it but hopefully he won't sensory OD in the process. He has a need to be constantly moving and exploring that makes it hard to maintain his interest in much of anything. How many two year olds do you know who can name all the planets as well as Jupiter's moons? When he has compulsion, it's very strong. He never ceases to amaze me.
We saw "Quantum of Solace" today. I was mediocrely whelmed. It had some amazing st
uff in it, like all Bond movies do but I don't care if I ever see it again. It's getting more and more difficult for me to track the plots in these late releases, if there even was a consistent one throughout this movie. Mainly he seemed to be hell bent for leather upon saving the women, that was about it. He is an interesting caricature of the Bond phenomenon though, I think he's growing on me.

It was, however, shown in a newly remodeled local theater, the Roseway, which we thoroughly enjoyed. There are so few of these around anymore, I hope they get a great deal of support so they can keep going. I gave City Search my two thumbs up and hope others will give it a try.
The photographs throughout this blog have absolutely nothing to do with it but I just ran across them on Google Images, they had just been added so I couldn't pass them up. From Walt Disney to pre-Princess Grace in profile to Bogie/Lauren to the original "funny face" herself, Audrey Hepburn. Just because.
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