The Day After

The fact of the matter is Mother loved it anyway because it is her favorite song, bar none.

I even agreed to play it for her again at her 80th birthday (in October of this year). Regardless, I am not a performer and am confident I never will be unless I can find a way to get past the discomfort of knowing someone else is listening to me make mistakes.

Maybe I need to wear those blinders a horse wears or ear plugs with the blinders or sit in a glass enclosed studio with no outside noise whatsoever or I don't know, I give up. I'm disappointed in myself and I knew that would happen. I think I'm a psychological failure in that I do
this to myself and haven't figured out how to overcome my own psyche.

Anyway, ironically I need to go practice and workout before I start the rest of my day. While I don't find the show as dignified and classy as it used to be when the prior generation reigned, I'll still probably succumb to watching the Academy Awards again tonight.
What can I say, I've been a movie afficianado from childhood and expect that to span the rest of my life.
Along those lines, we probably had 200-300 VHS videos and I decided I needed to use one of the huge drawers they were stored in for gift wrapping supplies.

So, last night we went through every one of them to decide what would be given away and what would stay until they're replaced with DVD's. I'd say we got rid of 150 at least, filling 3 large trash bags to be taken to Goodwill today. And, I have my drawer to move into today. The "spring cleaning bug" has bitten me early this year.
I'm off to start checking all these things off my list.
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