Just Don't Open Your Mouth
So, has Obama appeared on tv more in his first 100 days in office than Bush? Certainly he has had more planned appearances as he will tonight in a segment on 60 minutes. Whereas Bush was captured almost daily due to the fact he repeatedly said something inordinately stupid, which came to be his M.O. In fact, I would say Jon Stewart was responsible for giving Bush his two minutes of fame a day. You could almost count on seeing the "faux pas of the day" when you tuned in to the Daily Show during the eight long years of the Bush joke of a presidency.

Anyway, we were talking this morning about the recent bruhaha over Obama's comment about his poor showing in the bowling alley a few
months back. Is there anything we can say these days that doesn't offend? Does the public honestly think he was making fun of physically challenged individuals when he said his bowling sucked and tried to explain just how badly?
Anyone who speaks in public these days, and that includes at work or at a party,

runs the risk of stepping on someone's toes with what they say. I don't honestly know how you can be totally politically correct anymore because everyone has a beef. And not only that, everyone seems to be looking for something that offends them, it's almost like a witchhunt. And what seems like everyday, another faction of society passes another bill in Congress or in the State legislature to protect their particular narrow-minded cause, setting aside yet another portion of the English language that is henceforth forbidden to repeat out loud.
All I can say is, President Obama and all of you, mind your P's and Q's...wait, can I say that? If not, I'll apologize in advance to the alphabet protection society.
The president had only been in office 59 days when he appeared on Leno. I think by 100 days he will have had more direct press and public contact than 8 years combined than Bush. It will be interesting to compare the "vacation time" of the two presidents after a while.
I was biting my fingernails during the Obama campaign waiting for him to utter some gaff that the press and GOP would pounce on... he never did. The man is so popular that his little P/C comment the other night is already old news.
This president has more substance when he opens his mouth than anyone I have heard in nearly a decade. So he doesn't "walk on water"... who cares! Great blog entry.
Some people are still so skeptical of what he has done or what he will do. My point always is, "Do you have any better ideas?"
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