A Few of My Favorite Things

I love my family,
my friends, most travel but especially the Greek Islands,

music (except Country Western, Rap or Operatic), exercising, playing piano, my home, the outdoors, sunny days, reading, working in my garden,
shopping for some things, bouquets of flowers at home and at work, playing "board" games, attending some sporting events, watching favorite
movies, especially classics,

anything Jane Austen and most chick flicks, taking my grandkids on outings, the beach, Sunriver, certain teas, writing poetry, having formalish teas, blogging, taking pictures, collecting artwork (paintings/art glass), animals (generally), solving picture puzzles, trivia, burning certain scented candles,
to name a few

...but NOT the Blazers!
Labels: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_J-YMS9KgxVE/SetCyb711WI/AAAAAAAAC0M/CxuB_xll0qg/s400/Blazers.jpg
This formatting is the pits.
yeah, i don't know what's up. you might have to update your template like i did.
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