The Path to Doomdom

This is kind of like girls who graduate from eighth grade

wearing formals and high heeled shoes (one who looked like Scarlett O'Hara in GTW comes to mind), where do they go from there? What novelty and excitement will getting ready for the prom provide them three years later
unless it's the fact that they'll actually be able to walk in spiked heels and will know by then to keep their legs together when they're sitting down.

What do you predict a year or two later after you've already predicted the
end of the world?Perhaps you steal the message from Wall'e and suggest we all move into a giant spaceship/station to live and become sexless, fat blobs who do nothing but eat freeze-dried milk shakes and watch propaganda while jetting around on remote controlled couches while floating aimless in space. Of course, that's only if your domicile is strong and resilient enough to resist being bombarded by the trillions of tons of garbage floating around that we've left behind during the prior 40-50 years.

In my most humble opinion, all they are doing is catapulting down a pat
h of no return. If the end of the world does not come and our economy actually does recover and our allies in the world do realign themselves around us and we don't lose all our jobs to India and China and we are able to dig ourselves out of this miles deep trench of debt and we do actually leave Iraq to the Iraquis and we do put the kabash on Al-Quaida, etc., etc., etc., how do these guys justify all the stupid things they have gone on record with?
I think someone needs to create a new awards entity, The Academy of Spin.

This award would be given to the individual or group who is able to take the truth and most grotesquely twist and "spin" it to ultimately deliver the message THEY want to convey vs. the facts. The irony would be that they are so stupid, they'd probably celebrate receiving it and publicize that using yet another spin technique. If they can survive breaking the law, conducting their radio program while under the influence of pain medications to which they are addicted, keeping Americans in the dark
about eight years of the presidency, etc., I'm not sure I've thought of exactly how to finally shine the bright and brutal spotlight on their twisted and fatally false propagandaic message.
Could somebody please figure this out?
sometimes i enjoy spin. like what KFC is doing right now with their "grilled" chicken buckets. so gross. yet so funny.
Actually Mike liked the grilled chix even with the skin on. The way their employee explained it to me, they grill it so long the fat all burns off under the skin. Ok, you're right...gross.
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