Unnatural Disaster
If there were a huge earthquake or F5 tornado or giant tsunami occurring as we speak, would the fact that Notre Dame is bequeathing an honorary doctorate degree on President Obama because he was invited to provide their commencement address dominate the headline news? I love the arguments that his support of abortion is the sole issue. The religious right's support of capital punishment and the Iraq war don't count as throwing life away, only this particular issue matters. Once someone is born, apparently then that life becomes unimportant in the grand Catholic scheme of things. This kind of stuff simply disenfranchises me even more from organized religion. How is this extreme stand any different than the crap espoused by the Limbaughs of the world?
I think the population's prevailing sheepish nature simply requires some passionate issue to grab hold of. That way, they don't need to have good reasons for their beliefs, all they have to say is my church told me so. That kind of blind following just baffles and angers me. It's lazy, it's irresponsible, it represents a crowd mentality; this inclination is the kind of condition that has gotten people stoned or crucified in some other way for stupid reasons throughout history. Our lack of tolerance, our lack of support for open dialogue and our lack of respect for all opinions will be our downfall.
If you haven't heard it, listen to the President of Notre Dame's speech at their commencement, then listen to Obama;

all we need is a world of people just like them.
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