Life in the Turn Lane
All I mean is that change has become a constant, turning this way and that without any steady state. You not only can't work up any speed, you can't get your bearings, you can't get where you're going and you most certainly can't stop to enjoy the scenery because of all the constant turning and changing.
Don't get me wrong, I love change but not change for change's sake.
I can handle a change made for a good, well-thought-out reason with established objectives and measurements of success in place, you know, positive change; I'm totally there.

But change due to inability to make a decision, change because of poorly

executed processes or projects, change resulting from the same mistakes that are made again and again, change because people are stupid or change to save money in the short term when it will inevitably cause business failure in the long term are not only a waste of time and money, inefficient and demoralizing, they are a waste of that chunk of your life.
I'm really tired of wasting my life, how about you?
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