Transition Time
I can't
remember how many years it took for us to transition from 8-track tapes and tape
players to cassette tapes and tape players then again how long it took us to transition from cassette tapes to CD's and CD players. It seems like that last one wasn't that long ago.

But my real question is how long have I got before VHS tapes will go the way of the Dodo? I'm hopeful I've got at least another 5 years so I can still get maximum enjoyment out of the 150 or so tapes I still have (that's only after giving away twice that many). I really don't want to replace all of them w
ith DVD's and certainly not right away. Let me reword that, I can't replace all of them in the foreseeable future.

I do think I should buy up a couple of combo DVD/VHS players to have on hand as the ones I have bite the dust though or I may end up stranded at some point. I think I'll take a risk for awhile yet though to wait and see if there's any warning before it happens.
I also wonder what he next iteration will be...tiny little disks or perhaps something that looks like those skinny little thumb drives. Who knows, whatever it is it will start out outrageously expensive but within 5 years everyone will have one. Sad to say, this has become the way of things.
the next iteration will be movie files that play on your thumb.
The good news is, I think my thumbs could handle that at least.
Just saw an article on TV news about how the last big music CD store in NY (Virgin records) had closed it's doors. They had already closed their LA branch; Tower records had died even earlier. CD sales have dropped 50% since 2002 due to the upsurge of i-Pod use -- Apple and Amazon are now the biggest retailers of online music.
We have a bunch of VHS tapes and Goodwill even doesn't want them!! Some I will convert to DVD but many will just go in the garbage.
CD's will soon go the way of the 78 and DVD's will go BlueRay... for a while, until everything is online.
It hurts my head to even think about trying to keep up.
Yep, eveything's going electronic and wireless. There won't be hard copies anymore, you'll just have all your movies stored on your portable do-everything electronic device. That's basically what the iPod/iTouch/iPhone etc. are. The future is now.
I don't know how you can stand to watch VHS tapes anymore anyway. If it ain't in HD and widescreen, it's crrrrrap. That's my motto.
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