The Eyes Have It

OK, so answer this. If Elizabeth Taylor's eyes had been flat blue, if Paul Newman's eyes had been hazel, if Megan Fox's eyes were nondescript gray, if Steve McQueen's eyes had been muddy brown, if Julianne Moore's eyes were grayish blue or if Halle Berry's eyes were small and blue, would they have been as big of stars or stars at all? Questionable. In each of their cases, it's their eyes that have had so much of the press.

You could say the same thing about hair. What would Farrah Fawcett have been without her hair, just another pretty face? Liv Tyler with her long black hair in Lord of the Rings. What if George Clooney and Cary Grant had been bald from the get go?

Does this mean we are a supremely superficial society, focused on eyes, hair, figures and looks in general? Of course it does, otherwise Playboy and all its cohorts would never sell. Oh wait, I forgot about the high quality of the articles, snicker, snicker.
What it really boils down to is the fact that each of us wants to project what we see in the famous into what we want to be instead of what we are. The eternal Fountain of Youth or Holy Grail or just the brass ring. I guess we are all Indiana Jones at heart (without the muscle and endurance in reality).
I can relate - I keep asking myself who that "old guy" is staring back at me in the mirror!
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