Possibility of Snow

How much of our lives do we bank on the possibility of something happening or not happening? All sorts of scenarios come to mind:
- Hoping your boyfriend/girlfriend will eventually change for the better AFTER you're married
- Passing on clothes
you want just in case they might go on sale
Not studying on the outside chance there will be no quiz tomorrow
- Not finishing up a work task the night before because you plan to get to it first thing in the morning but then your morning blows up and it still doesn't get done, and now it's late
- Inviting friends over for dinner but not writing it down, expecting you will remember
- Hosting a meal without ensuring you have all the required ingredients until an hour beforehand
- Wearing the tight pants or skirt with the zipper that sticks badly just this one last time
- Not making the offer on the house you want thinking they will lower the price even more

- Wearing your cool shoes thinking it's not that icy outside
- Driving around and around the parking lot to get a closer parking space
- Not buying some item at a really good price because you're sure you can get it cheaper somewhere else; driving around to different gas stations comes to mind
- Heading to the park with full picnic regalia regardless of the black cloud bank you see on the horizon
- Buying shoes that are simply too small because surely they'll stretch?
- Building your home on the edge of a sandstone cliff because it hasn't eroded away so far
- Voting for a second term president who totally underperformed and lied in the first term because...why was that again?

Buying your 100th lottery ticket because you're just sure this time you'll win...certainly history has proven that, hasn't it?
Now I think I'll have some toast because there's a distinct possibility I'll get hungry if I don't!
but you keep on playing the ol' lottery, don'tcha.
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