Have you ever noticed how so many people who have talent are overly talented, i.e. they are beyond exceptional at what they do or they are exceptional at more than one thing like singing and dancing, writing books and plays, drawing and painting, playing an instrument and singing, the list goes on and on. Now the question is, is this phenomena due to the fact that talent is only allotted to 1 out of every 10, or is it that some of us are smarter than other

Leonardo Da Vinci probably had one of the best developed minds ever known. Here are just a few of his gems.

I'm sitting here watching Joshua Bell play a violin in ways that I'm sure the original violin

You will, however, notice that I drew the line at professional wrestling, boxing,
or stock car racing for that matter. There are some "talents" that I simply
don't care to emphasize or watch. You could say, my life is already rich enough without them.
May 2008 be a year that brings good friends, good health, good luck and good things!
driving a car very fast requires talent. i just don't give a crap about it.
I know the answer to your wonderings about talent, but its pretty academic. Do you really want to know? Or do you prefer to keep the glamour of "talent" intact? Id be more than happy to dash your illusions, if you'd like. :)
Da Vinci truly was a fascinating man. I highly recommend touring his former abode in Amboise, France, should you ever find yourself in the area. Just amazing the things his mind came up with.
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