Brain Dump
I can't

Have you ever wondered where all the stuff in the Ross stores comes from? Goodwill is full of donations, Walmart is full of their own sad, sad brands, as is Nordstrom. So when you walk through Ross, you have to ask yourself, what blind buyers in what sad store ever bought this stuff in the first place? It certainly isn't the place to go if you actually ne

Tomorrow I'm attending a 30 year luncheon for one of my employees. All I can say is I'll be dead before I reach mine so no cake for me.
Tomorrow I'm also taking my car full of Christmas paraphernalia to the Battered Women's and Children's Shelter. This is one of my favorite things to do because these ladies have absolutely nothing and it's so important to get them off on the right start so they aren't tempted to go back.
I've had lots of support from my co-workers this year and I'm so thankful for that.
Do you even have a clue how many different types of toys they have created for kids in the bathtub, I don't see any good reason for kids to ever get out of their bath anymore. They look like so much fun I'd like to have some of them myself. It's really amazing. There's nothing like a good toy store for what ails you.

Time is barreling by and I have about a zillion presents to wrap. I wonder if I stay up all night every night from now till then if I'll be able to get it all done. Probably not so I guess we'll just have to delay Christmas, no you say? OK, I'll have to hire some additional elves. Maybe my condo cat could see her way to moving off the middle of the paper and helping me wrap. Probably only if she can shred the paper as she goes. Oh well, it will all get done somehow, I don't know how though, it's a mystery.
I have a couple words for you:
gift bags
tissue paper
humane society
I still remember the plastic sting ray that was my favorite bath toy when we were little. Not sure where it came from but I loved that silly thing.
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