What do you do about a wheezing cat? She makes me feel guilty because I'm not rushin

g her back to the vet but we have to take her to a specialist in Clackamas and that is the last thing I want to do right now. I've taken way too much work time off lately as it is, not to mention thousands of dollars to have them put a tiny camera up her nose. She's worth it you say, probably so if I hadn't already spent thousands of dollars on our "free" cat. It's really unfortunate they grow on you like they do. Nevertheless, she is making me feel extremely guilty so if she still has this problem mid-December, I'll ask Mike to do it when he has a few days off. Poor kitty!

o right now my house is feeling extraordinarily cluttered, kind of like this. Between Christmas decorations all over the place and Christmas presents not quite so all over the place, and the fall decorations that still need to be put away, there's barely room to move. Once I get the tree in here, it will be even worse. I started out so organized this year. It's amazing how quickly you fall behind the 8-ball. Actually, I'm still ahead of last year as far as organization goes but at this point that's not saying much.
Hopefully my husband will run my address labels so we can at least get the cards done (I've only asked three times). Here it is, December already for heaven's sakes and I've already gotten two cards from family member. Who would have ever believed my youngest disorganized daughter would beat me to the punch. I'm still amazed and shamed. So, I'm off to check a few more things off my list.
Bon soir!
Tell her to start an exercise regime. the kitty, i mean.
Funny, I thought you meant for me to tell you!
Your oldest disorganizedest daughter is put to shame by the two of you.
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