can't remember the last time I turned on the local, national or CNN news. This is for one good reason, I'm sick of the negative news. Anything from murder and mayhem to natural disasters to man made disasters like fires started by smokers from Wall Street crashing to every financial organization's CEO resigning (before they're booted out). You start to wonder which way to turn just to get away from it.
We were talking to someone tonight whose daughter is going on a two month h

ike of the Pacific Crest Trail next summer, ending up in Vancouver, B.C. at some posh hotel with sweet smelly bath salts, soft cushy bathrobes and really strong room deodorizers for how badly t

hey are going to smell after no showers for two months. Her dad was concerned with the fact that she was considering taking this trip without bringing a gun along. He was mostly concerned about some crazy up there but how many crazies are hanging out at a 8,000 foot elevation? Unless it's a crazy bear or mountain lion, I don't think the serial killers have a propensity to backpack along these trails. Regardless, Kara suggested they take a tazer instead, I'm not sure what that would do to a big old bear but possibly it would give you time to turn tail and run. You could also carry along a bucket of water and a hair dryer. You know how they say not to get your hair dryer in the water, that would fix him.
I have simply got to carry a little tablet around with me to capture those great blog ideas I have throughout the day each day but draw a complete blank when I sit down in front of this delightful little screen. This is how I know I could never write anything meaningful or substantial, I can't concentrate enough to plan out a complex outline and I hate details. So, you add that to a bad memory and I'll defer that livelihood to those more disciplined and talented authors. I'm still in awe of J. K. Rowling. How she or anyone else can keep their various story lines, characters, time frames, idiosyncrasies, etc. straight I just can't imagine. The one area she appeared to minimize was her sets or locations. She basically had 5-6 locations and that never changed in all 7 books (well okay, I'm not quite to 7 but very close).
Boy there are alot of people who are sick right now. Have you ever noticed how little sympathy you get when everyone else is sick too? I guess that means when the pandemic hits, it's going to be each man for himself (I use that term figuratively of course). Someone brought me

an article a few weeks ago about the Dengue Fever which is similar to the bird flu but coming this way from South America. It's like it's inevitable, something is going to hit, it's just where and when. If only the researchers could move a little faster with finding antidotes to all these killer diseases. I have a great idea, let's take all the salaries/incentives from all the pharmaceutical lobbyists and sales reps, fire them, and use that money to fund pandemic R&D. This would be a much better use of those considerable funds and would benefit the masses vs. a few very wealthy and in some cases powerful individuals.
I will say that Michael Clayton definitely reminded me of the whole Executive Action or JFK

film genre. With sufficient financial and power incentives, people will do anything. And once they've done anything, they will stop at nothing. All morality, all ethics, all integrity become a thing of the past, no longer part of who they are or how they operate. Good luck to those poor suckers who try to stand up to it, to put it in a non-professional way.
OK, time to open some Christmas boxes...Santa's workshop is officially open for business!

P. S. Why does cat food have to stink?
Is it because cat's just naturally have poor taste in bathing suits?
that last picture is so wrong. and i don't know why cat food has to stink...maybe to keep people from eating it.
I'm sure you're right, cats hate to share.
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