Well, we are sitting here watching the Colorado Rockies publicly humiliate th

emselves. It's the 6th inning and the score is Boston 13, Colorado 1. The last inning lasted 34 minutes, can you spell pitiful? I said from the start that the Rockies are outclassed and the battle between Cleveland and Boston was the real series. This is very embarrassing to watch.
Did you know there is a woman commander on the current Space Shuttle and a woman

commander in the International Space Station? The sad thing is, it's 2007 and these statistics are still news. So, I wonder if they make the same money as all the men who have previously been entrusted with these positions? My guess would be they don't.
It soun

ds like the wildfires in southern California are finally beginning to come under control. So many people have lost their homes, property and some their lives. Those Santa Ana winds are lethal when it comes to fanning the flames. It seems like the fact that this is an annual occurrence would ensure there was better preparation to deal with these conditions.
Natural disasters in general, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, tsunamis,

etc. all prove again and again that you can't fool Mother Nature. We are not and never will be in control of our environments, MN will always have the final say. It's kind of a mom thing.
I'm off to get a little work done before MN catches up with me in the form of sleep.
i completely agree with you so congratulations you have understood the point and expressed it well. i highly believe in your explanation!
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