Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Make It Quick

Oh, to be a cat. They sit there next to you, looking at you and their world is complete, that's all it takes to make them perfectly happy. OK, that and a clean poopy box and a little food and water here and there. I can't imagine the simplicity of that life. I know they can't think, so to speak, but our cat knows when it's time to go to bed and won't come in until she knows I've actually gotten into the bed. Then, she proceeds to march back and forth, back and forth across me rubbing up against us to receive maximum rubbing and scratching. I guess she's spoiled, I'm not sure how she got that way other than she's so darn cute. How can I kick her off?
(Mrs. Belvedere look-alike pictured here)

It's hard to imagine only having a little pea brain that only registers on hungry, cold, scared, tired or battle mode. Sometimes though, it seems like it would be very appealing, I'm quite sure she never has headaches. I'm also sure she doesn't have to monitor her budget, provide constructive feedback to her staff, write a business case or negotiate carefully through political situations. No wonder cats don't have grey hair and wrinkles. OK, maybe they have grey hair but it's not due to age! All I know is she loves her mommy and that's ok with me.

Time for us to go snuggle up together.


At 10:06 AM, Blogger kara said...

awwwww, mrs. belvedere. she's the cutest. next to lulah of course.

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Kitty! Or, as Becks likes to call them, Itty! That photo even kind of looks like Mrs. B a little bit. I'd love my cat if she weren't so pukey and yowly. Yes, those are both words.


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