I love watching the baseball playoffs but that's really the limit of the sports I can stand to w

atch on tv. I just can't get my head behind football, tennis, golf, basketball, or any other sweaty sport on tv. But baseball, tv gives you the best possible angles on a game of finesse, coordination and muscle. Who knows, maybe it's something to do with American pie, I'm just not sure. Either way, I'll enjoy it for a few more weeks until it's over again and we have to wait another year for it.
Laura and Ty have got the wierdest fungus growing in their tree. It's yel

low and orange and if I didn't know better, I'd say someone created it like some wierd tree art since I've never seen anything like it before. I'll see if I can Google an image that will do it justice. Ok, this is pretty much it except that it's just one large pile that keeps adding to the top of itself. It's one of those things you look at and your mesmerized by it's grossness and creepiness. I was assured repeatedly that it's edible but not by this mouth!
I'm convinced that if I were stranded somewhere where there was no normal kind of food available, I'd be short-lived because some things are just too much to even consider. And that's a fact. OK, back to work now, another week, another dollar.
Baseball, booooo! Soccer, yaaaaay!
Ty thinks the fungus is a sign that the tree is sick, but I assured him it's just the tree's way of growing an evil brain so it can come alive, uproot itself and kill us all in our sleep.
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