Well, maybe that's overstating it but they have to win tonight or they will get a nice long vacation until next year. They may feel like that's dying, at least seasonal dying. Anyway, this isn't going anywhere.
Today we were invited to roast beast dinner by my daughter and her sig ot (on Sunday). I

t's my favorite, red meat and all. Now that I think about it, I remembered we are having the same thing Saturday night at our friend's house who had her eyes lasered today. Oh well, when it rains it pours. ODing on roast beast is just fine with me. Especially when there are roasted potatoes and vegies involved. It's a good thing I just feasted on some cheese and apple or my mouth would be watering.
Baby boy came over tonight to see all of Grammie's Halloween lights/decorations. He LOVED t

hem. He wanted to touch all the fiber optics so of course I let him. One of the pumpkins with a spider draped over it is about 30 years old and plays the "Alfred Hitchcock Theme". He was sort of wierded out by the music, he knew it was spooky even at 1 year old. He is truly exceptional.
Right before they got here I got a collection call saying I had opened an account with a co

mpany I'd never heard of and I had to pay the two year old balance of about $380. What really fried me is they had my name and SSN but a wrong address. Somehow it would appear someone has stolen my identity but now I have to figure out how to clear my record. I really, really hate this stuff. The criminal skates while the victim has to spend countless hours trying to get their record corrected. I think very few of these creeps ever get caught and when they do, I'm sure they are released due to lack of room at the inn. Ugh!

I saw a Wall Street Journal update today that Bush's veto of the children's health bill was not overturned by Congress so chalk up one more positive step for mankind with that one. All I can do is shake my head. I can't wait to see where we go from here, my hope is the only way possible is up.
Well, I have work to do and still need to practice so it's time to sign off. I don't think the 50 mph winds ever showed up today, the news exaggerated as usual. I think I'll close with, "Who can you trust?"
seriously, mom...that is the weirdest collection of images.
Can't trust nobody. And no, that ain't a double negative.
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