HGTV Overload
I have had it on all day as backdrop to my working so at this point I can't keep any of their design ideas straight. I still love it I've just seen enough for one day. I'd still like to know where exactly they shop to get the deals they get and complete as much as they do for the $ they admit. I've always wondered if shows like that get incredibly fantastic deals from stores just for the on camera exposure they get.
OK, I'm having another coughing fit so this will be short. I'm beginning to wonder if there will be any presidential candidates come primary time. The parties are so divided and the front runners have so much opposition I'm not sure how there can be. Last night I saw that Al Gore is now being promoted as a write-in The question is could he possibly beat the Hillary machine, the can't make up his mind which women he wants Guilianni or the ever-switchable McCain? I have to admit I can't imagine voting for any of them right now. None of the three inspire confidence, none of them have sufficient experience or even exposure to foreign affairs.
Why is it that is the lamest area of experience for current president, cabinet members and all the candidates I know of; especially considering the turmoil underway in practically every continent and major region of the world.
I still think M.A.S.H. was one of the best sitcoms ever. It never gets old and their writers were certainly never out on strike. In fact, their actors became their writers, very successfully too I might add. It's interesting how they were able to convey both the need for humor in the grimmest of conditions and still keep your interest and appreciation. It makes you hope the real MASH was even remotely as good at balancing the horror with humor.
OK, back to work and more cough drops.
As much as it kills me to not like the one woman who's ever gotten this close to the presidency...i'm kinda liking middle-aged white guy Edwards.
Except for the fact that he has no chance in HEdouble toothpicks.
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