Provincial Little World
I look

or Stephen Hawking...

or Jim Lovell...
and I think what is the matter with the majority of my brain cells? Belle in "Beauty and the Beast" sang about her provincial little world and frequently I feel similarly. My world can be defined by just a few square miles and is only populated by those people I know. You ask why not grow my world? I have trouble remembering what I ate for breakfast while these guys are solving the environmental problems of the world, discovering black holes studying and teaching quantum physics and flying to the moon or attempting to anyway. Just in case you ever need to feel humble, just think about people like these. Oh, and let me throw in a few more to add balance; Mother Therese, Madeline Albright and Maya Angelou.
Something else all of them have in common, THEY'RE OLD! The men for instance:
RN - 73
SH - 65
JL - 79
So I'm concerned, who's going to take the places of these renowned individuals in keeping humankind honest, making important discoveries and going where no man has gone before? It makes me think of the movie "Space Cowboys" where there were young punk astronauts who arrogantly tried to take over the mission but it was the old, worn out fighter pilots who saved the day.
I'm beginning to see a theme here. I commented years ago that the Academy Awards have lost their flair, their class, their dignity as the old, well-respected actors have left this life's stage. I ask you, which of these shots is the more impressive and truly classy?
Disagree? OK, you decide.



I rest my case.
yeah, but the academy awards would be boring now if it weren't for the likes of john stewart and will farrell
That was my point, they are boring and undignified!
And yes, John Stewart is the one saving grace.
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