
this is the Fall weather we have been waiting for. It's so sunny and beautiful it makes it hard to concentrate while you are indoors because it is drawing you outside. I will say that Beckett and I took a nice long walk yesterday ending up in the church playground next door where we went down the slide then stood back to watch and enjoy all the big kids playing. This is what we have been expecting since September 1st but it took until the e

nd of October to get to it. I mean the weather is in the 60's. So I guess we just needed to endure a little Winter sneak preview in order to earn it. As a result, most of the leaves have fallen and I've started to lose some of my plants but not all. Every Fall acts as a reminder of how much work I'm going to have to do come Spring/Summer. Lots and lots and there never seems to be enough time in the Summer to actually enjoy all the fruits of our labor. Maybe next year?

oween officially left the premises today and we transitioned into Fallishness instead. Of course, this will only be for about 3 weeks at which time I'll need to quickly transition to Christmas since I agreed to have a holiday party for my

work peers, boss and spouses on the 8th of December. I've already decided that means the tree will not be up yet otherwise it will be deader than a doornail by Christmas and I'm unwilling to let that happen. Beckett is going to have a heyday with the tree and all the decorations this year. I plan to have one low level set of decorations he can go right to and play with to his heart's content. We'll see how long that makes him happy.
Speaking of that particular holiday, I need to sign off so I can get shopping since I already located some stuff that will work beautifully for some friends and family. This is what happens when I don't get lists early. Speaking of lists, wish lists on sites like Amazon are great because you always know what the person wants BUT it also means if they go out there to update it they will figure out what they're getting. If it's not a surprise, it's not happenin'! So I think the rule is going to be get them updated now and then leave them alone for the next two months. That should take care of my dilemma.
So, I'm off to do the pre-Christmas, pre-Thanksgiving, pre-Veteran's Day online shopping I so enjoy. Thank goodness for the net. See you "net" time.
Well i have a wishlist on amazon. so there.
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