Isn't it interesting how the same world that can create something so beautiful and perfect as a tiny human being can also create a horribly deformed, two-headed lamb or person for that matter where everything in their bodies is combined but their heads. Modern medicine has worked wonders in cases like these but why did they have to happen in the first place?
This s

ame world repeatedly creates the most perfect, aromatic evenly proportioned rose bu

t at the same time, in a distant region you can find a foul-smelling, treacherous Venus fly trap. There is the perfection of a spiderweb covered in dew but on the other hand a huge furry tarantula that can bite and cause serious injury to its victim. Oh yea, the fly trap would love to get its "jaws" on that spider.
A beautiful almost bottomless mountain lake in one location and a drier than dry, par

ched completely waterless desert somewhere else. A polar ice cap that's no longer frozen on one end and an equatorial region a few thousand miles away that fluctuates very little outside of the 80's.

We are a world of amazing accomplishments, in fact they even extend outside of this world, nature can produce more perfect things than man will ever be able to reproduce, we are also the world where genocide continues to exist, where discrimination and hatred run rampant, where tsunamis wipe out entire towns in minutes and volcanoes restructure a mountain in no time at all.
We hav

e more fitness clubs, more fitness paraphernalia being sold on tv ev

ery other commercial, more diet clubs, more health food stores, more freedom to do and go wherever we want whenever we want yet we also have the highest levels of obesity, especially in children. With obesity comes so many other health problems like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, etc.
How did our econ

omy get so screwed up that it's only the most fattening and unhealthy foods that are the cheapest and the easiest and fastest to prepare and frequently taste the best? I think we have unfortunately conditioned taste buds that react to these poor choices.
The really scary thing is that it seems to take 30-40 years for these trends to play themselves out so does that mean it's going to take that long for us to turn all this around? That's really scary. It means that each of us individually truly needs to take control of any of these factors that would cause this untenable situation to spread or increase. The health of this country is absolutely in the tank and we're all only getting older all the while folks.
did you see the story about the two year old in india that had 8 limbs?
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