I have

spent no time whatsoever really listening to the various candidates and I know I can't continue on this way. It's just so boring to listen to each of them twist the same subject 20 different ways and at the end of it, you can't detect any truly significant differences between them. I think I'll go through their websites instead to see what I can glean.
Can somebody please do something important and substantial enough that t

he media no longer has time to cover Britney's blunder du jour? I mean anybody doing anything...okay, maybe not Paris Hilton, I've had more than enough of her. There just has to be some good news out there somewhere or at least someone using their good judgment for a change.

l, well, well I hear we may get federal tax rebates. Huh, I could have sworn our deficit was already larger than it's ever been. How in the world are we ever going to climb out of this? And who in their right mind would volunteer to drag the entire economy uphill? I think we should all vote for an accountant.
i'll do something important. but first you must make a donation to my campaign fund. we take discover, american express.......
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