My plan is to celebrate Easter this year with no Easter candy or baskets in evidence. Instead, we will do stickers, temporary tatoos, paints, chalk, and that's just for the kids. Beckett will of course receive baby stuff because that's all he wants/needs right now.
Older and wiser kids will actually see no resemblance to Easter in what they get other than the fact that they are getting it at Easter. In fact one aspect of it will remind them more of Valentine's Day just to throw them off (there also weren't any Easter- type options).

Why is it that we always equate Easter with a white rabbit? After all, rabbits don't lay eggs, they probably don't even like eggs. Anyway, I have no eggs nor any rabbits to offer this Easter but the goodies are already hidden and will provide only a slightly challenging hunt tomorrow since it appears it will have to be held indoors. I don't think that will be a huge issue, I think the stuff will be of more interest. Although there may be some notice taken of the lack of candy.
I do have fun with this holiday, I must admit it. Of course the one who is youngest and won't know it from any other day is getting the most. But that is inevitable isn't it? It's difficult to limit yourself when it comes to babies, alright kids in general.
Judi Dench was so marvelous in the second version of Pride and Prejudice. I can't think o

f any other actress who is as versatile as she is, from "M" (Bond films) to Lady Catherine de Bourg (P&P) to Mrs. Brown (Queen Victoria) to Queen Elizabeth (Shakespeare in Love) to Armande Voizin (Chocolat) to Ursula (Ladies in Lavender). She is absolutely one of my favorites.
I would also say that this newest version of P & P introduced me to a ne

w actor who has most definitely taken my fancy. I resisted watching this newest one for a couple of years simply because I felt so ridiculously loyal to the Colin Firth version of Mr. Darcy.
Well, I now ha

ve a new appreciation for variety, believing it is truly the spice of life. Because, Matthew Macfayden totaly nailed the part too! I need to give some credit to the director as well who took a beautiful and artistic approach to this production.
Now that I look back at this blog, only I could jump from Easter baskets to Pride & Prejudice. Of course, you could say that this movie would serve as an Easter basket for me so maybe it makes more sense then I'm giving it credit for. What can I say, I'm the biggest sucker for romance in

existence, and proud of it.
Ah, Mr. Daawcy...