
trying to think back to the holidays that actually existed, and were celebrated, before Hallmark was invented. Let's see. That would be New Year's, Christmas, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day and Veteran's Day I believe. All of which are centered around either war, religion or turning over a new leaf. I'm not counting the pseudo holidays only celebrated by the government and heavily regulated businesses like President's Day (the consolidation of two president's birthdays),

Veteran's Day or MLK Day. Then there are the really lame holidays like Good Friday because that is strictly religious and mixing that with the "state" (government) is a big "no-no" you know.

ow to list all the holidays created solely for the purpose of spending money on cards, and maybe candy. Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter (ok, I admit I almost forgot there is a religious aspect to that one as long as you forego the baskets, chicks, rabbits and candy), Mother's Day, Father's Day and Halloween (is this considered religious?). I haven't even mentioned Boss's Day, Administrative Assistant Day, etc. I know I'm forgetting some but they must be even more far-fetched than those I do remember.

I wonder what it would take to create new holidays that would actually catch on? If you think about it, we don't really have any good holidays in either June or August, the rest of the months are pretty much covered. Why not have a Rose Holiday, that would fall sometime in June to celebrate thorny fragrance? Then for August it would have to be a Sun Holiday because that is the one month when you can pretty much count on having some regardless of where you are in the country.

I'm up for a better idea but if the goal is to have at least one holiday per month, we have fallen short by two months and someone had better get on it. No time like the present (no pun intended) to start a new trend. After all, I'm sure the Hallmark and Sees Candies people are hurting what with fewer holidays than there are months in the year. At least that is as good a reason as any to have to start inventing new card slogans. I'd rather name new nail polish any day. Who says I don't have lofty goals?
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