Life In The Not-So-Fast Lane

I know January is typically the month of New Year's resolutions so in keeping with the fashionable trends, I've decided I'm going to make every effort to slow down my life in terms of overcommitments.
So, you ask, how am I doing so far? Let's just say I have yet to actually begin this effort.
Considering everything involved with work this year, not to mention all the stuff I hope to have happen outside of work, this will be the supreme challenge for me. If I'm successful, it will be magic. Today I have great hopes I can do this, the question is, how long can I keep those hopes up.

Basically it means I can't waste any time for the entire year. Every hour will need to have a purpose. I think that's okay if it means I can keep a little more sanity than I was able to last year. The ultimate test will be whether I can get through the entire year without getting sick. Inevitably, sometime around Christmas or year-end, I contract whatever is going around because I've been burning the candle at all four ends (I love that visual) and it finally gets the better of me. I'm confident I can improve my time effici

The other challenge will be for me to succeed at this without pissing off everyone around me. The more I think about it, the more excited I am to give this a try.
Essentially, I feel this is necessary to prepare me for retirement so I will be able to move forward without looking back with any regrets whatsoever. The only danger in all this is that whenever I've felt I was on track with my life over the years, something has inevitably occurred that threw me for a loop. I'll need to be as flexible and agile as an Avatar to avoid that kind of derailing over the next 3 1/2 years.
I love that I have this kind of positive energy on a very, rainy, dreary day in January, it's very encouraging. I just have to maintain this regardless of what occurs to the contrary.
could you please explain, or draw a picture of the candle burning at all four ends? Pretty please?
Try to visualize spending part of your retirement out away from the rainy, dreary day... like in some warm tropical, sunny location. It really helps with motivation.
some time is meant to be wasted. treasure it.
Days of wasted time are either way behind me or way ahead of me, they currently don't exist.
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