Don't Rain On My Parade
nksgiving means different things to different people. I look around my neighborhood and know for some it is just another day like any other. I drive by the mission on Grand Avenue and know there is line of hopefuls believing they will get something better than soup handed to them today. Then I see houses down the street where there are 10-12 cars bringing extended family together. The latter will be similar to my version of this holiday.

People frequently talk about the excess of food and drink that occurs on this particular holiday. They also talk about the eternal football games that are the perfect backdrop for naps after
the gluttony of dinner. However, slowly but surely parades are beginning to grow in popularity. I d
on't know, they represent times of innocence to me, like "Miracle on 34th Street" when the right to believe in Santa Claus was the hot topic. They aren't video games, they aren't computer applications, they aren't boob tube programs, they are old-fashioned events where people walk for miles to entertain the crowds. Yes, most of us only see them on tv, but you catch my drift.

one of these years we're gonna volunteer on thanksgiving, damnit.
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