Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Whose Fault Is It Anyway?

I could just as easily have called this post, "Accountability" but I think the word is over-used, not the concept mind you, only that particular word. It seems like as tension increases, stress increases, money gets tight, people lose their jobs and bank balances decline, most if not all people are busy trying to figure out who to blame. Because it sure as heck can't be their fault, right? They didn't vote for the last president (twice), and they didn't invest their 401(k) balances in the most risky funds, and they never overspent their budget or overcommitted their income so one of their predicaments could be their fault.

Parts of their bodies may atrophy over time, as they spend more and more time sitting at a computer or in front of the "boob" tube or video games, but it will never be the case with their index fingers because they are way too busy pointing them at others.

And not only are they busy pointing their fingers away from themselves, but people become defensive if you even begin to mention the fact that some of their issues were self-actualized. I call it defensive to the death. They will go to great lengths to prove they weren't wrong, but that everyone else was.

These same people are so closed-minded that there is no viable way you can explain reality to them, their reality truly is that they are always right and the rest of the world is simply out to get them. They have a true victim-mentality with a capital "V".

Personally, I can't imagine being perfect. In fact if I think back, I can't think of a single day when I haven't made a mistake, in fact usually more than one. It may have been in the form of turning the wrong way on a street, getting in the wrong line at the grocery store, paying too much for something, giving the wrong answer to someone, missing a deadline, being late for a meeting, you name it, I've done it and will undoubtedly continue to do so.

The thing that really amazes me about all this is that it's quite liberating to admit you're wrong. It's almost like you can't move on until you do. Just imagine having all those unaddressed mistakes piling up in your subconscious until you eventually lose your mind (or your cool at a minimum), with the pure weight of them. Fortunately I'll never lose my mind for that reason, although I'm certain I can find others.


At 10:28 AM, Blogger kara said...

i still think about that time when we were driving on 47th and you treated that red light on Halsey like it was a stop sign. it STILL cracks me up. laughing right now, in fact.

At 4:41 PM, Blogger The Future said...

Thanks for reminding me. Having mistake witnesses is always unfortunate.


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