Take A Load Off
I'm in the mode right now where work is sucking all the content out of my brain so there's nothing left to inspire a clever and elucidating blog. So I guess I'll just have to unload whatever is on top.
I got two hugs from employees over the last couple of days. One was from someone who will be retiring in
the next month and a half or so. I'm envious to put it mildly, not just of her taking that first step but also of her courage to step far outside her comfort zone and truly begin a brand new phase of her life.

The second hug was from someone who was so happy with a change we made to our program she just had to hug me. The change was going to mean she and her husband could both afford to get what they needed now, so she was supremely happy.
Right now I'm reading a book called, "Outliers", three guesses what it's about and the first two don't count. It is interesting and I guess they've truly completed sufficient research to make the claims they do but it's still wierd and I need to think about it more before I can totally buy in.
My grandson, who is 3, was in the mood for comparisons tonight (he's staying overnight with Grammie & Papa Mike). He was looking at the fiber optic pumpkins and haunted house and wanted to know if they were all the same. I kept trying to tell him he house was really different but the other two were similar to each other. But he kept asking the same questions over and over again, is that one like that one and that one like that one. Finally I said yes, they are the same. Then he said, no they are similar. They learn in the strangest ways.

He has developed a very strong affection for Mozart, to the extent I think I'm going to have to get him some of his music and probably practice some so I can play it for him too. I don't know any other 3 year olds who hum Mozart. I take that as a sign of appreciation and enjoyment that needs to be rewarded.
he's either a little genius or a little nerd. labels are fun.
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