The Face of This Presidency
I'm afraid enough time has gone by and we've seen enough consistent activity to say that this president is never going to be allowed to be effective because he was born with the wrong skin color. Am I the only one who sees an eerie and disgusting similarity to the Hitler era?
Maybe it's because I'm almost finished reading "The Book Thief", a story about a
young girl in Nazi Germany through the war years. To make it really interesting, the story is artistically narrated by "Death". He/It (I refuse to call it She) becomes fixated on this girl so keeps checking in throughout those years to witness her life experience.

It may sound bizarre but I have to say it's excellent. It's actually written for the teen audience but I'm curious how or if they would really "get it" or care about its message. I could see it being made into a movie except that so much of the story is their thoughts and feelings, not so much dialogue.

On another note, I finished the movie, "The Kite Runner" last night. I guess I'm into foreign lately. Another excellent story of putting others first, living the courage of your convictions, etcetera etcetera etcetera.
This was on the heels of the movie "A Mighty Heart", the story by Daniel Pearl's wife (he was the WSJ reporter taken hostage in Iran and she and an army of others worked (unsuccessfully) to get him released.
All of these have been serious award winners and each story has given me so much to think about. That's the best king of entertainment in my humble opinion. I would highly recommend one and all.
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