If Only...
If only everyone could be just like me. I wouldn't have to worry about people getting their work done, I wouldn't have to worry about people getting along with other people, I wouldn't have to worry about people handling their customers in just the right way, I wouldn't have to listen to arrogant b.....ds who love the sounds of their own voice, I wouldn't have to worry about

OK, now that I've climbed back out of my rat hole, I'll be the first to admit I'm not remotely perfect but I do hold some basic tenants to be true and try my best to live by them. The good old Golden Rule, how many people these days even know what that is? The answer is either not enough or they know it and ignore it. As Charlie Brown would say, "Argh!"
Yea, it was just that kind of day.
i hear you sista (or...mother). we need to work on making you emperor so we can get some things DONE.
As long as I can keep my clothes, I'd sign up.
I think I heard the Golden Rule goes something like this: "The person with the gold, rules".
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