Don't Touch Me, I'm Still Tacky
There are certain things you simply should not do, these are things no one should do because they are just plain wrong. One of these being the purchase of a former police car or cab and, worse yet, doing a schlocky job of
painting over the original paint job. You might as well park a broken down clunker in your front yard, which is the second on my "never to do" list. The only thing worse than this would be to park multiple clunkers in our front yard, perhaps joined by worthless refrigerators, bathtubs and/or washing machines. I know in "Under the Tuscan Sun" this was considered quaint but not so in the US. We lack the picturesqueness to offset the impact of the eyesore.

There's always the good, old spandex on those who fall into the obese category, overweight stuffed into this attire is bad enough. I have to assume they don't own mirrors. Possibly they think this will help them to sweat it off?

Pink and purple are not colors that belong on a house. Any self-respecting house would tell you so if only they could talk. In fact, I think it would make these abodes react allergically if that were possible.

Piercings; if it hurts me to look at you because there isn't a square inch of your face and/or head that hasn't been pierced than possibly you've gone too far. I definitely think I make my point if the earrings click as you talk. To be fair, it's also possible you're a masochist and have nothing else to spend your money on.
Then there's always the standard Christmas decorations left up all year. I've never been able to determine if this is due to laziness, a deep love of the Christmas spirit or the belief that this replaces the need to paint your house (something besides pink or purple).
This could be a very long list but I suppose these are at the top of mine, at least as of this morning. I'm sure everyone has their own pet peeves they can add to it.
you've written a book of etiquette! only it's on a blog and it's really short. did the dresses arrive and do they fit?
They're here today but I don't have time to try them on tonight. I thought I'd try them on at the Cleaners tomorrow but then I remembered I'm not coming straight home tomorrow night.
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