The Next Billy Mays

Do you know that my grandparents sat and watched tv all day everyday and everytime someone told them to buy something, they did it? My dad freaked out when he discovered all the junk sitting around and when he asked my grandmother about it all, she said the people on the tv told her to buy (the junk).
These tv hawkers should be against the law or there should be a way to prohibit them from displaying on certain tv sets like those of very old grandparents who simply do what they're told. It's very scary how so many vulturistic crooks prey on the elderly and have no qualms about taking what little they have. My grandmother had less than nothing, she and grandpa only had the barest of Social Security, neither of them ever worked outside the house. He was a farmer of sorts but was never really successful. Nevertheless, they still had 8 kids (2 of whom died young) w
ho all had nothing either.

I can feel the theme of this post spiraling downward so I'll stop before it gets away from me. It's just that when I think about elderly people sitting in front of the tv for company, completely trusting what people on tv tell them, it makes me want to protect them all somehow.
Please don't let me become one of those little clueless, gullible old people.
Nancy's Mom was similar... she would NEVER buy anything pitched from TV, but just try to pry the Sears and Pennys catalog from her hands. UPS probably laid off delivery personnel after she died. And she was always having to return her mail-order purchases.
Worse yet was my Uncle Marsh to "escaped" from his group home in a taxi and bought a new Jeep. He could hardly walk, let alone drive. My cousin had to threaten to call police on the dealership before they would take the jeep back.
Maybe the solution is to set up a phony TV shopping network and give our elderly relatives a fake credit card. Then maybe while they wait for their purchase to be shipped to them they will forget that they bought anything. Everyone's happy.
i always have the urge to buy things on tv. but i never have. but that doesn't stop that wanting.
Well,you can obviously count on the urge growing as your age grows.
The question is, what year will you finally give in?
You may not have bought anything from TV ads, sister mine, but let's not forget you have fallen victim to the good old Home Shopping Network on more than one occasion (Miss Thighmaster). We're gonna have to keep a close eye on you when you're old and out of control with the magic bullets and shamwow!'s. It's a slippery slope.
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