What About Everyone But You?
Do p
eople who smoke ever think of anyone but themselves? Are they so desperate to get that cigie tar smoke down into their lungs that any consideration for others is driven from their tobacco-shriveled minds? If I'm walking down the street with no cigarette, don't assume by pushing past me and puffing away that I want to follow you and your foul smell, asshole!

I feel like all the smokers are part of the "ME" generation, whether they are or not. It's such a challenge anymore to avoid all the things that are harmful in our environment, thoughtless jerks who act this way need a good swift kick to jar their heads out of their self-centered asses.
After being subjected to second-hand smoke my entire childhood and developing chronic asthma as a result, I'm just a little sensitive on the subject. Nevertheless, it is not the responsibility of the otherwise healthy publ
ic to make allowances for the addicts among us. 

They need to each find out-of-the-way caves somewhere to smoke to their little heart's content where they will die twice as fast from absorbing multitudes of smoke and let the rest of us die normal deaths from stuff like automobile smog, preservatives and rattlesnake bites. I don't ask for much.
Nancy just got back from visiting relatives in Nevada... they ALL smoke. She didn't wear everything she packed but still had to launder everything to get the stink of cigarettes out of her clothes. She even had to air out her suitcase on the back porch. I totally agree... smoking is disgusting.
haha! i KNEW you'd write about that!
It's just so intrusive. I don't like bad and harmful things getting into my space. I like to control my space. That's just the way it is.
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