Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Addiction to Sugar vs. Salt

I have to wonder if salt causes the same addiction as sugar. I know the fact is once you are introoduced to sugar you crave it due to its addictive nature. Just try to stand in the See's candy store and say "no"! That smell of chocolate (and sugar) is heady.

However, in regards to salt, if I eat one potato chip I can't stop. The same thing is true for salted almonds or other nuts. I would even say my inclination to eat and eat he salty things is every bit as strong as it is to sugar. Yet I never hear the same cautionary tales about salt that I do about sugar. Perhaps it's due to the lack of direct caloric impact of salt vs. blood pressure or something similar less sexy. Who knows? All I know is that without sugar and without salt, life would constitute one drab existence. And that's the truth.


At 6:56 AM, Blogger JennyMac said...

Amen..I hate to admit I love them both.

At 7:04 PM, Blogger The Future said...

I think it's a fatal flaw shared by many.

At 7:09 AM, Blogger kara said...

Brendan likes to make trailmix with m&ms (which i don't even like), peanuts and raisins and i stuff handfulls of it into my mouth. sweet and salty is the world's deadliest combo.


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