I REALLY have no time for this so it will be very quick. I just have one word to say... anger ball. Okay, two words

but my question is why is there so much anger in the world right now that repeatedly takes the form of gunfire. People getting shot/killed in health clinics, people getting shot/killed in museums, people getting shot/killed in shopping malls, people getting shot/killed at school, people getting killed in their own homes, people even getting shot/killed in NBA locker rooms.
People may be out of jobs, they may be in significant debt, they may not be able to pay their bills, they may be going hungry, but they always seem to be able to afford guns. Yep, gu

ns and cigarettes seem to always be around regardless of circumstances, no matter how low they go. What does this say about our so-called civilized society that these two repulsive items have become the mainstay of existence for so many people? Nothing good, that's for sure.

said it before and I'll say it again, I'm so glad those who went before, the Benjamin Franklins, the Thomas Jeffersons, the Abraham Lincolns, the FDR's, can't see us now. I wish I didn't have to but the only way to avoid hearing about this crap is to crawl into a hole. I'm still not quite there but I'm getting awfully close.
yeah, we have a gun problem. some people don't notice this.
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