I'm probab
ly the last to hear there is a swell of support building for Dick Cheney as a presidential candidate in the next election. If this isn't the strongest possible indicator of the lack of intelligence AND common sense of our vast right wing population, I don't know what is. If this is even a vague possibility, I am ashamed to claim my nationality as an American.

This is a man who has no interest in the plight or interests of Americans, and admits it. This is a man who was busy building up pointless and futile war activity for the last eight years and literally breaking the bank which magically caught up with us immediately upon his leaving office. Meanwhile, he made millions (if not more) off the government contracts with Halliburton, in which he has a major financial interest. But of course, THAT wasn't a conflict of interest. The guy lives in a flack vest where literally everything bounces off, including accountability, guilt and conscience.
If the educated, sane segment of the American population doesn't have the balls to stave off this kind of activity, or equally bad some aspect of a Palin/Cheney ticket, this country will deserve what it gets and I will truly HATE living here.
Cheney has had FOUR heart attacks, and yet the McCain opponents a year ago were worried about him being healthy enough to be president because he had a cancerous mole removed!?!?
Cheney thinks he knows what's best for the country; return us to a kingdom with him as king.
Well, we have three more years to go until the next presidential election. Maybe heart attack #5 will take him out of the running. Makes you wonder what Fruit Loop the Republicans will put up as a replacement candidate.
now he's gonna come shoot you in the face.
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