What Will They Come Up With Next?
OK, whew, we can all breathe a sigh of relief and keep the schools open for just one
more year because we passed another tax increase this year. Don't get me wrong, I voted for it too. But here's my beef. Every year there's something that requires us to raise taxes and generally schools fall into the mix. I can't remember a year when the schools weren't having to cut back, lay off staff, clo
se down, etc. Where the hell is all the money going? I want someone to tell me? But no one does, they just keep asking for more.

Mike says the news is saying the last tax increase we voted on was in 2002 and before that it was 1930, that's a bunch of hooey. This has happened again and again. They must only be referring to one particular tax vote like the one for business. This has been a repeat performance, I don't care what they say.
If I were a mathematician, I'm sure I could determine how many more years of tax increases it would take before none of us could afford to live in Oregon. You can't keep raising taxes every year, is there no where else to get money for schools? Where is the lottery money going besides to everyone else but me? We have property taxes and we have income taxes, neither of which are low percentages by any means. And we have taxes on just about every service and "luxury" product that exists. The ONLY tax we don't have is a sales tax and the only reason we don't have that one is that would be just one tax too many and they can't get it through a vote.

At some point, I feel like we are going to be paying someone just to work. Bizarre. It's like everything is slowly turning on its head or maybe it's just on my head. Where does it all end?
there's no more money in any other states, so you may as well stay put!
I'm just sayin'...
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