Giving vs. Keeping

On my f
avorite CBS "Sunday Morning" show this week they included a segment about a fa
mily who sold their large, expensive home, moved into a more modest home, and donated their entire proceeds ($800,000) to a world hunger organization.

They had determined that if everyone in the world gave as much as they possibly could to this cause, it would literally solve the global dilemma of starvation.
This was a family with 2-3 kids who were teenager to middle school age and all of them felt very strongly about this. I consider this an example of putting your money where your mouth is, of the actions of one influencing many, as an act of supreme unselfishness.
It was
very motivational and inspiring. I'm also curious to know how many it "influenced" to do something similar. I'm tempted to send CBS an e-mail asking for a follow-up on that in a few months. In the meantime, there are more than enough "causes" to go around, world hunger being just one of them.

This post could quickly become overwhelming just due to the scope of the subject matter so I'll end with this. I'm hopeful this will be the beginning of a very positive, widespread and beneficial movement for the betterment of our fellow human beings around the planet.
they should've just bought another house for someone who couldn't afford it and REALLY see where their money went.
Survival group against God?? LOL. Good luck with that. Truth is, no one knows the exact time this will happen except the man upstairs, however, I firmly believe that there are people placed here by God that post the warning signs and it's up to you to take heed.
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