Accidental Millionaires
In this day and age, how exactly does a bank, or more precisely

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.
In this day and age, how exactly does a bank, or more precisely
All I mean is that change has become a constant, turning this way and that without any steady state. You not only can't work up any speed, you can't get your bearings, you can't get where you're going and you most certainly can't stop to enjoy the scenery because of all the constant turning and changing.
If there were a huge earthquake or F5 tornado or giant tsunami occurring as we speak, would the fact that Notre Dame is bequeathing an honorary doctorate degree on President Obama because he was invited to provide their commencement address dominate the headline news? I love the arguments that his support of abortion is the sole issue. The religious right's support of capital punishment and the Iraq war don't count as throwing life away, only this particular issue matters. Once someone is born, apparently then that life becomes unimportant in the grand Catholic scheme of things. This kind of stuff simply disenfranchises me even more from organized religion. How is this extreme stand any different than the crap espoused by the Limbaughs of the world?
The weekend is only part of a day away, the weather is going to get up into the 80's and we'll be at
I think you can safely say we've overstayed our time in Iraq when our guys begin shooting each other instead of the "enemy". I loved the line in the article that said the soldiers on the base typically carry their weapons with them but they're not loaded...right. Tell that to the five dead soldiers who were standing in line at a clinic for help with relieving their stress.
With all that we try to cram into our lives, whose bright idea was it to invent these on-line time consumers that in essence steal from everything else. Someone needs to write about chat room etiquette, for instance. It's like being on the phone with an elderly relative who has nothing better to do than talk and talk and you've got twenty different directions