First, why Google images? Consider it an education, just think of all the finds I've made on that site, images you have never seen before in your life and that I certainly don't have in my back pocket. I mean, the Banana Man alone was worth a mint. So enough about that.
I'm going out to water muchas plantas. Then I'll be back.
The "Bridges of Madison County" is on; there is something intriguing about having a secret life my kids know nothing about and don't find out until after I've left for far off places. Otherwis

e, there's no secret sauce to be reckoned with. 1965 or 2007, the year doesn't really make any difference, things still happen that are way behind the scenes. Not to worry, I don't have any sauce cooking at the moment. My biggest problem in this area is that I've got a driving need to tell everything I know, which can get in the way of the secret side of the sauce. For instance, they already know all my old secrets.
The other thing that's interesting about this movie is that it emphasizes the fact that being alone is most certainly a freeing feeling. It reminds you those are the brief times during which there is nothing controlling your life but you. In her case, she sat in a dark kitchen, drinking a glass of wine (I think it's a milk glass) and listening to opera on the radio (she was Italian).
Not only that, they just talked about Bari and Brindisi in Italy, which is the area where my daughter and her family are as we speak. Life is truly full of crazy coincidences, I don't remember hearing that part of the script ever before.
In my case, while I love quiet time (and I'm dying to finish Harry Potter #3), I am most energized and content when I'm with people so I'm spending the majority of the weekend with various family members.
So, tonight is the only time I have to blog up a storm. There doesn't seem to be as much time for this lately. but I miss it because it's an outlet for tension that tends to build up during the day. Plus the fact that goofy is good, you don't have to make sense in your blog because it's yours. It's just good therapy.
I w

onder if these stars who promote hair and skin products, perfume and clothing lines and

various foods or personal hygiene items, really need the money. Like William Shatner, does he really need more money so he can just keep eating and putting the weight on? Maybe if he stayed off tv he'd lose a little, and his face is going to implode in a Michael Jacksonish way if he doesn't stop with the cosmetic surgeries. He creeps me out just to look at.
The one I'm really okay with is Dennis Hopper, probably because he is the only one who is actually appealing to me and what I want...Retirement, Dreams, Travel to amazing places, etc. He's never been my favorite actor but I'm ready to go visit with Ameriprise Financial, that's for sure. I decided not to include pics of him because one gross looking guy is enough in this segment. Actually though, he has aged much better than he deserved to considering his out-of-control youth.
Well, somehow the clock on the wall is telling me its late, how it got to be 9:00 I'll never know. I'm off to practice.